Math 4-5 grade

                                          Grade 4                                     How To Find Place Value

1.If you have a number like 6,873,and someone asked you, What is the place value of the seven in this number?The answer would be 70.The picture below shows well about place values!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    Graphing Data 

 1.If someone asked you What kind of hair would you rather have other than your own? What would it be?Below there is  a picture of how many students chose what.Wich one had the most votes? The answer is

             Understanding Time 

1.The big hand on the clock represents how many minutes passed the hour we're in.The smaller hand represents what hour we are in.For the big hand there is 5 minutes in between each number.60 minutes is one hour.60 seconds is one minute.A picture is shown below. It is 3:00 shown in the clock below.


1. Multiplying is easy.If someone asks you Whats 2x2,just remember that 2x2 is actually just like 2+2.But if they ask you Whats 2x3, ist actually 2+2+2=6 and 2x3=6.It doesnt matter weather its 4x2 or 2x4,you will still come out with the same answer.Below there is a multiplication chart you may use.


1.Dividing is easy.Dividing is multiplication only backwards.Like if someone asks you whats 2 divided by 6,its actually just 2x  = 6,and the answer is 3.Below there is a picture of how division works.

              Grade 5 


1.Fractions are just pieces of a whole.Like the  fruit pizza below its half of a whole.


1. A number like 43.80 is actually 43 and 80%.Below there is a picture of decimals.


1.A percent is the number that comes af ter a decimal. percent are parts of a whole.Below it is shown.

         Thank You            

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